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Mass Intentions

Twenty-Ninth Sunday

in Ordinary Time (B),

20th October

      9.30am – Phil and Agnes Maguire (Anniv)

     11.00am – +Apolonia Fernandes (Anniv)

      6.30pm – +Irena Celejewski

Monday 21st October

       10.00 – Granny Merl (Birthday)

       10.00 – +Kingsley Ighalo

Tuesday 22nd October

        10.00am – +Ladi Salamatu Ahmed

        10.00am – Mary Connaghan (70th  Birthday)

Wednesday 23rd October

      10.00am – + Pedro Durado

      10.00am – +Colette Moore (Anniv)

Thursday 24th October

        10.00am – +Argemiro Rodrigues

        10.00am – +Hannah Haughey

Friday 25th October

      10.00am – + Angela George

      10.00am – Delia McCarthy (90th  Birthday)

Saturday 26th October

St Cedd

      10.00am – + P.J Coleman

      10.00am – Joan Goodenaugh (Birthday)

Thirtieth  Sunday

in Ordinary Time (B),

Prisoners’ Sunday

27th October

      9.30am – Marius Joseph (Anniv)

     11.00am – + Cathal McGlynn

      6.30pm – People of the parish


If you would like to book a Mass Intention contact the Parish Office,

use the Mass Offering envelopes placed in the porch or see one of the priests after the Mass.